to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time
From the very first struggle of breath to every other first time, we as a species are in a state of discovery. Naturally this will plateau at some point and fall off as we age, yet its existence cannot be denied. Each little experience can shape us into all that we are, as we learn from the sights and sounds, and how we feel about all the discoveries we make. From the very first line of poetry that is read, screen and its content that is viewed, line that is drawn, music that is heard or vegetable that is sliced, it is in such discoveries that we make that influence and steer us often through life.
And so as I power up the electronic box that I along with millions have discovered long ago (at this point) I realize that at its core, discovery is exactly the single most important piece of Mass Effect Andromeda, and what it's really all about. As I select my team for another go around as Pathfinder, I discover familiar places and faces and look forward to the latest adventure from BIOWARE, the most anticipated, hugely marketed, ANTHEM.
The politics around gaming have always been a slippery slope of anticipation for similar, nearly identical experiences by the community. Whenever this isn't met there is seemly hell to pay for the developers and designers. Unfairly we are always judging based on past experiences and discoveries. The harsh criticism overlooks the positive creation and growth in an industry that is constantly driving towards pushing the limits of not only technology but feeling and emotion that we experience each time we enter into created worlds; unplugging from the present.
This is an easy rabbit hole to fall down as we are generally shaped by these past discoveries and want the comfort of such feelings again, and more importantly to continue. I myself have been critical of many games/experiences but must remind myself (and encourage others to as well) that when we unplug and enter into someones created world the discovery we experience is really the gold and not necessarily our final opinion after 10, 50, 100+ hours later. Take the time to discover and try to control your criticism, basing it solely on the new experience (not only basing it on previous ones).
After all, hobbies such as gaming, no matter what you choose to discover and explore, are addictive joys that most don't want to give up or end. And so we need the Bioware's of the world to keep doing what they do so we can too.